The Universe is Made of Tiny Stories
The art of storytelling.
Sist oppdatert : 10. juni 2024Vi gjør oppmerksom på at prosjektet ikke er oppdatert i samsvar med kompetansemålene fra LK20.
Forfatter: Barbara Anna Zielonka
Publisert første gang: juli 20, 2020
Innledende arbeid
- Kontakt med skoler i fem til ti europeiske land etableres før prosjektstart.
- To av samarbeidspartnerne registrer prosjektet på European School Education Platform. Da får dere tilgang til et prosjektrom/TwinSpace. Her kan både lærere og elever samarbeide på en sikker måte. Man bestemmer selv hva som skal være åpent tilgjengelig for allmennheten. De andre deltakerne inviteres inn etter hvert.
- Del opp prosjektet i ulike aktiviteter som er avtalt på forhånd angående innhold, struktur og tidsperspektiv (dette prosjektet ble delt i fire deler).
- Sett opp tidsfrister til hver aktivitet og forplikt hvert land til å forholde seg til disse.
- Lag Microsoft Teams eller bruk TwinSpace for å diskutere fremgang med andre lærere.
Competence Aims/English/ vg1:
- evaluate different digital resources and other aids critically and independently, and use them in own language learning
- understand and use a wide general vocabulary and an academic vocabulary related to his/her own education programme
- understand the main content and details of different types of oral texts about general and academic topics related to one’s education programme
- express oneself fluently and coherently in a detailed and precise manner suited to the purpose and situation
- introduce, maintain and terminate conversations and discussions about general and academic topics related to one’s education programme
- use patterns for pronunciation, intonation, wordinflexion and various types of sentences in communication
- interpret and use technical and mathematical information in the communication
Slik gjør du
Image story-September/October
- Option 1a: Introductions/ Tool: Padlet wall/ Pictures of students involved in this project and a short text about every single student
- Option 1B: Students work in groups to create a group portrait of each individual student. Tool: smartphones + Padlet. Each student takes his or her own photos of the subject, capturing a different aspect of them, and interviews them about a different aspect of their life: family, culture, interests, friends, or values.
- Students read/flip through other Padlet Walls and choose 5 people who share similar interests/ personality traits/ One international Padlet Wall summarizing all the findings
- Google Slide Presentation / one slide per country/Countries’ Tid-Bits
- Kahoot quiz/A video conference
- ongoing Skype sessions – starting in September and ending in April
Audio story/Video story-November/December
- Create a 5-minute introduction to the work of one person who inspires you. Select one photo of the person and key images from his or her career/life; organize them; add basic captions (use of colour, subject matter, or composition, for example) in notes; explain what is unique about this person and whyhe/she is an inspiration.
- Peer assessment/ international teams
Digital story-January/February
- Option 1a: Write a story, and then tell that same story digitally using any number of digital tools and freely available media.
- Option 1B: Research a time period in history and create a digital story about that time period told from the perspective of someone who lived during that time.
- Option 1C: You are an author and story creator! You have been asked to participate in an international exchange where students are asked to create a digital story to entertain, to educate or to convey ideas. Almost any topic is possible.
- Students are going to complete this assignment in international teams! The teams will be created in October.
Self-reflection/Group-reflection on project work
- Access to the Internet
- Headphones/ smartphones
- Skype/Google Hangouts
This project should be assessed in relation to the following points:
a. Purpose of the project
b. The script
c. Audio narration
d. Images
e. Choice of software
f. Choice of content
g. Mechanics
Students and teachers were asked to complete a survey in order to find out how they actually felt about eTwinning. There was nothing but positive feedback from both students and teachers for ‘The Universe is Made of Tiny Stories’. Most people felt they had learnt to use digital tools more effectively and that they had learnt a lot about other countries. Moreover, they believed they had grown through this project and that it had been an unforgettable experience.