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About the recognition

You can apply for this recognition if you have higher education from abroad (outside of Norway).

Recently edited : 28. October 2023

Your credential is assessed towards Norwegian higher education. If it meets the requirements for approval, it can be recognised in terms of level and scope.

We do not evaluate:

  • The academic content of the education

We do not recognise:

  • Norwegian higher education
  • Studies with a scope of less than one semester

About the recognition procedure

This is a recognition procedure for persons with higher education acquired abroad.

Your education programme is evaluated against the Norwegian degree structure. If your education programme is recognised as higher education in Norway, you will receive a recognition document from us. The decision describes the level and scope of the education and if it is equivalent to a Norwegian bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, or PhD.

General recognition of higher education is voluntary and is intended as an aid for those who wish to enter the Norwegian job market.

The legal basis for the scheme can be found in "Lov om universiteter og høyskoler" and "Forskrift om kvalitetssikring og kvalitetsutvikling i høyere utdanning og fagskoleutdanning".

You can view the law/regulation on the website, in Norwegian only:

How can I use a general recognition of my foreign higher education?

You can use our decision when applying for jobs in professions that are not regulated. It is up to the individual employer if they require you to have recognition from us or not.

The recognition document can also be used as an aid in salary placement.

In addition, the recognition document may be used in connection with admission to further studies in higher education, but you do not normally need recognition from us to apply for admission to higher education in Norway.

Automatic recognition – a quicker alternative

The Directorate for Higher Education and Skills has prepared standardised statements confirming that certain educational degrees from selected counties are considered automatically recognised by us. The document is ready for use right away when you have downloaded it.

The automatic recognition is a available for certain educational degress from selected countries. Read more about automatic recognition.

Regulated professions

Please be aware that your education may require a special authorisation. If it is a regulated profession, a different form of recognition will be necessary. Check the list of regulated professions.