Regulated professions
Below is an overview of professions regulated by the Professional Qualifications Directive (2005/36/EU). If you wish to work in one of these professions, you need authorisation/recognition of your professional qualifications.
The Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills is the Norwegian Assistance Centre for the recognition of professional qualifications for professions that are regulated through Directive 2005/36/EF. We provide information on recognition of professional qualifications in Norway. Read more about the recognition of regulated professions.
Electronically available information and application forms for citizens of EU/EEA countries can be found on the website Altinn. You will find a link to the correct form for each profession in the list below.
For most professions or trades, no specific recognition is required before you can start working in Norway. If you cannot find your profession in this list or in the list of professions, you may not need recognition or authorisation.
Show professions based on
Norwegian title: Spesialist i klinisk allmennsykepleie
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Fagansvarlig damsikkerhet
Industry: Nature, environment and water
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (Norges vassdrags- og energidirektorat).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (Norges vassdrags- og energidirektorat)
Phone number: +47 22 95 95 95
Norwegian title: Fiskehelsebiolog
Industry: Nature, environment and water
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Food Safety Authority (Mattilsynet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Food Safety Authority (Mattilsynet)
Phone number: +47 22 40 00 00
Norwegian title: Audiograf
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Autorisert eiendomslandmåler
Industry: Real estate, economy and finance
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Mapping Authority (Kartverket).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, please see the website of The Norwegian Mapping Authority to find information on how to apply for authorization (only available in Norwegian).
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Mapping Authority (Kartverket)
Phone number: +47 32 11 80 00
Norwegian title: Bergsprenger
Industry: Explosives and pyrotechnics
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB)
Phone number: +47 33 41 25 00
Norwegian title: Bergsprengningsleder
Industry: Explosives and pyrotechnics
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB)
Phone number: +47 33 41 25 00
Norwegian title: Automatiker
Industry: Electrical professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you want to work temporary in Norway, view the website of DSB for more information about temporary approval.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB)
Phone number: +47 33 41 25 00
Norwegian title: Automatikkmekaniker
Industry: Electrical professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you want to work temporary in Norway, view please visit the website of DSB for more information about temporary approval..
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB)
Phone number: +47 33 41 25 00
Norwegian title: Perfusjonist
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Profesjonell pyrotekniker
Industry: Explosives and pyrotechnics
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB)
Phone number: +47 33 41 25 00
Norwegian title: Scenepyrotekniker
Industry: Explosives and pyrotechnics
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB)
Phone number: +47 33 41 25 00
Norwegian title: Vassdragsteknisk ansvarlig
Industry: Nature, environment and water
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (Norges vassdrags- og energidirektorat).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (Norges vassdrags- og energidirektorat)
Phone number: +47 22 95 95 95
Norwegian title: Leder av brann- og redningsvesenet
Industry: Fire, safety and emergency planning
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB)
Phone number: +47 33 41 25 00
Norwegian title: Kiropraktor
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Klinisk ernæringsfysiolog
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Dykker klasse A
Industry: Diver
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet)
Phone number: +47 73 19 97 00
Norwegian title: Dykker klasse B
Industry: Diver
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet)
Phone number: +47 73 19 97 00
Norwegian title: Operatør på nødmeldesentral
Industry: Fire, safety and emergency planning
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA,
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB)
Phone number: +47 33 41 25 00
Norwegian title: Utrykningsleder
Industry: Fire, safety and emergency planning
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB)
Phone number: +47 33 41 25 00
Norwegian title: Inkassobevillingshaver
Industry: Real estate, economy and finance
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway (Finanstilsynet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway (Finanstilsynet)
Phone number: +47 22 93 98 00
Norwegian title: Tannhelsesekretær
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Tannpleier
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Tanntekniker
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Tannlege
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Tannlege med spesialistgodkjenning med bevis for gjennomgått spesialistutdanning i oralkirurgi
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Tannlege med spesialistgodkjenning med bevis for gjennomgått spesialistutdanning i kjeveortopedi
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Leder for beredskapsavdeling
Industry: Fire, safety and emergency planning
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB)
Phone number: +47 33 41 25 00
Norwegian title: Leder for forebyggendearbeid
Industry: Fire, safety and emergency planning
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB)
Phone number: +47 33 41 25 00
Norwegian title: Dykkeleder
Industry: Diver
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, please contact the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority for more information about how to obtain approval/recognition.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet)
Phone number: +47 73 19 97 00
Norwegian title: Faglig leder for trafikkskole
Industry: Road traffic
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens vegvesen).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens vegvesen)
Phone number: +47 22 07 30 00
Norwegian title: Trafikklærer
Industry: Road traffic
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens vegvesen).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens vegvesen)
Phone number: +47 22 07 30 00
Norwegian title: Trafikklærer – tilleggskompetanse A1, A2 og A
Industry: Road traffic
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens vegvesen).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens vegvesen)
Phone number: +47 22 07 30 00
Norwegian title: Trafikklærer – tilleggskompetanse tunge klasser
Industry: Road traffic
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens vegvesen).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens vegvesen)
Phone number: +47 22 07 30 00
Norwegian title: Styrer og pedagogisk leder i barnehage
Industry: School and kindergarten
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (Direktoratet for høyere utdanning og kompetanse).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, you can apply for recognition via our website.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (Direktoratet for høyere utdanning og kompetanse)
Phone number: +47 21 02 18 60
Norwegian title: Elektroreparatør
Industry: Electrical professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you want to work temporary in Norway, view please visit the website of DSB for more information about temporary approval..
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB)
Phone number: +47 33 41 25 00
Norwegian title: Elektriker
Industry: Electrical professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you want to work temporary in Norway, view please visit the website of DSB for more information about temporary approval..
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB)
Phone number: +47 33 41 25 00
Norwegian title: Ambulansearbeider
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Fører av utrykningskjøretøy
Industry: Road traffic
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens vegvesen).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens vegvesen)
Phone number: +47 22 07 30 00
Norwegian title: Undervisningsansvarlig hos godkjent kursarrangør for utrykningskurs
Industry: Road traffic
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens vegvesen).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA,
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens vegvesen)
Phone number: +47 22 07 30 00
Norwegian title: Utrykningsinstruktør
Industry: Road traffic
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens vegvesen).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens vegvesen)
Phone number: +47 22 07 30 00
Norwegian title: Gravemaskinfører (sertifikatkategori M2)
Industry: Building and construction
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet)
Phone number: +47 73 19 97 00
Norwegian title: Statsautorisert regnskapsfører
Industry: Real estate, economy and finance
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway (Finanstilsynet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway (Finanstilsynet)
Phone number: +47 22 93 98 00
Norwegian title: Forebyggende personell
Industry: Fire, safety and emergency planning
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB)
Phone number: +47 33 41 25 00
Norwegian title: Brannkonstabel
Industry: Fire, safety and emergency planning
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB)
Phone number: +47 33 41 25 00
Norwegian title: Truckfører – Sidelaster til og med 10 tonn (sertifikatkategori T5)
Industry: Building and construction
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet)
Phone number: +47 73 19 97 00
Norwegian title: Truckfører – Motvektstruck med permanent container-åk (sertifikatkategori T8.1)
Industry: Building and construction
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet)
Phone number: +47 73 19 97 00
Norwegian title: Truckfører – Motvektstruck (sertifikatkategori T4)
Industry: Building and construction
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet)
Phone number: +47 73 19 97 00
Norwegian title: Truckfører – Motvektstruck, teleskopisk bom (sertifikatkategori T8.4)
Industry: Building and construction
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet)
Phone number: +47 73 19 97 00
Norwegian title: Truckfører – Motvektstruck med permanent tømmerklo (sertifikatkategori T8.2)
Industry: Building and construction
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet)
Phone number: +47 73 19 97 00
Norwegian title: Truckfører – Motvektstruck, gaffelarmer (sertifikatkategori T8)
Industry: Building and construction
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet)
Phone number: +47 73 19 97 00
Norwegian title: Truckfører – Sidelaster (sertifikatkategori T5)
Industry: Building and construction
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet)
Phone number: +47 73 19 97 00
Norwegian title: Truckfører – Svinggaffeltruck og høytløftende plukk-truck sidestablende og førerløftende (sertifikatkategori T3)
Industry: Building and construction
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet)
Phone number: +47 73 19 97 00
Norwegian title: Truckfører – Lavtløftende palletruck (sertifikatkategori T1)
Industry: Building and construction
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet)
Phone number: +47 73 19 97 00
Norwegian title: Truckfører – Skyvemasttruck/støttebenstruck (sertifikatkategori T2)
Industry: Building and construction
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet)
Phone number: +47 73 19 97 00
Norwegian title: Truckfører – Rundtsvingende teleskoptruck (sertifikatkategori C2)
Industry: Building and construction
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet)
Phone number: +47 73 19 97 00
Norwegian title: Truckfører – Portaltruck (sertifikatkategori T7)
Industry: Building and construction
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet)
Phone number: +47 73 19 97 00
Norwegian title: Truckfører – Teleskoptruck (sertifikatkategori C1)
Industry: Building and construction
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet)
Phone number: +47 73 19 97 00
Norwegian title: Bro- og traverskranfører (sertifikatkategori G4)
Industry: Building and construction
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet)
Phone number: +47 73 19 97 00
Norwegian title: Allmennlege
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Helsefagarbeider
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Overordnet vakt
Industry: Fire, safety and emergency planning
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB)
Phone number: +47 33 41 25 00
Norwegian title: Seminpersonell/inseminator
Industry: Animal health
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Food Safety Authority (Mattilsynet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Food Safety Authority (Mattilsynet)
Phone number: +47 22 40 00 00
Norwegian title: Tolk
Industry: Language and library services
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Integration and Diversity (IMDi).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, please contact the Directorate of Integration and Diversity for more information about how to obtain approval/recognition.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Integration and Diversity (IMDi)
Phone number: +47 24 16 88 00
Norwegian title: Brannforebygger/Feiersvenn
Industry: Fire, safety and emergency planning
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB)
Phone number: +47 33 41 25 00
Norwegian title: Advokat
Industry: Legal professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Supervisory Council for Legal Practice (Tilsynsrådet for advokatvirksomhet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Supervisory Council for Legal Practice (Tilsynsrådet for advokatvirksomhet)
Phone number: +47 22 00 75 00
Norwegian title: Rettshjelper
Industry: Legal professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Supervisory Council for Legal Practice (Tilsynsrådet for advokatvirksomhet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Supervisory Council for Legal Practice (Tilsynsrådet for advokatvirksomhet)
Phone number: +47 22 00 75 00
Norwegian title: Bibliotekfaglig leder i fylkeskommunen
Industry: Language and library services
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is National Library of Norway.
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Phone number: +47 23 27 60 00
Norwegian title: Heismontør
Industry: Electrical professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you want to work temporary in Norway, view please visit the website of DSB for more information about temporary approval..
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB)
Phone number: +47 33 41 25 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen anestesiologi
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen medisinsk biokjemi
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen hjertesykdommer
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen barne- og ungdomspsykiatri
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen klinisk nevrofysiologi
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen infeksjonssykdommer
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen maxillofacial kirurgi
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen hud- og veneriske sykdommer
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen radiologi
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen endokrinologi
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen gastroenterologisk kirurgi
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen fordøyelsessykdommer
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen indremedisin
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen blodsykdommer
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen generell kirurgi
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen geriatri
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen immunologi og transfusjonsmedisin
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen lungesykdommer
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen medisinsk genetikk
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, please contact the Norwegian Directorate of Health.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen medisinsk mikrobiologi
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen nevrokirurgi
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen nevrologi
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen nukleærmedisin
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen fødselshjelp og kvinnesykdommer
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen arbeidsmedisin
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen onkologi
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, please contact the Norwegian Directorate of Health.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen øyesykdommer
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen ortopedisk kirurgi
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen øre-, nese-, og halssykdommer
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen barnekirurgi
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen barnesykdommer
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen patologi
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen klinisk farmakologi
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen fysikalsk medisin og rehabilitering
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen plastikkirurgi
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen psykiatri
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen nyresykdommer
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen revmatologi
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen thoraxkirurgi
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen urologi
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege med spesialistutdanning innen karkirugi
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Bioingeniør
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Lege
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Helsesekretær
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Jordmor
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Bergteknisk ansvarlig
Industry: Nature, environment and water
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Mining (Direktoratet for mineralforvaltning).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Mining (Direktoratet for mineralforvaltning)
Phone number: +47 73 90 46 00
Norwegian title: Mobilkranfører (sertifikatkategori G1)
Industry: Building and construction
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet)
Phone number: +47 73 19 97 00
Norwegian title: Kommunal biblioteksjef
Industry: Language and library services
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is National Library of Norway.
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Phone number: +47 23 27 60 00
Norwegian title: Manuellterapeut
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Naprapat
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Sykepleier
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Vernepleier
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Ergoterapeut
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Maskinfører – Gravelaster (sertifikatkategori M5)
Industry: Building and construction
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet)
Phone number: +47 73 19 97 00
Norwegian title: Maskinfører – Doser (sertifikatkategori M1)
Industry: Building and construction
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet)
Phone number: +47 73 19 97 00
Norwegian title: Maskinfører – Dumper (sertifikatkategori M6)
Industry: Building and construction
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet)
Phone number: +47 73 19 97 00
Norwegian title: Maskinfører – Veihøvel (sertifikatkategori M3)
Industry: Building and construction
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet)
Phone number: +47 73 19 97 00
Norwegian title: Maskinfører – Skraper (sertifikatkategori M7)
Industry: Building and construction
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet)
Phone number: +47 73 19 97 00
Norwegian title: Maskinfører – Hjullaster (sertifikatkategori M4)
Industry: Building and construction
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet)
Phone number: +47 73 19 97 00
Norwegian title: Optiker
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Ortoptist
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Osteopat
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Paramedisiner
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Parkeringskontrollør
Industry: Road traffic
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens vegvesen).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens vegvesen)
Phone number: +47 22 07 30 00
Norwegian title: Periodisk sikkerhetskontrollør for løfteinnretninger
Industry: Building and construction
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate for Building Quality (Direktoratet for byggkvalitet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate for Building Quality (Direktoratet for byggkvalitet)
Phone number: +47 22 47 56 00
Norwegian title: Faglig ansvarlig for prosjektering av elektriske anlegg
Industry: Electrical professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you want to work temporary in Norway, view please visit the website of DSB for more information about temporary approval..
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB)
Phone number: +47 33 41 25 00
Norwegian title: Faglig ansvarlig for offentlig tilsyn med elektriske anlegg
Industry: Electrical professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you want to work temporary in Norway, view please visit the website of DSB for more information about temporary approval..
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB)
Phone number: +47 33 41 25 00
Norwegian title: Faglig ansvarlig for arbeid knyttet til andres elektriske anlegg
Industry: Electrical professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you want to work temporary in Norway, view
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB)
Phone number: +47 33 41 25 00
Norwegian title: Faglig ansvarlig for drift og vedlikehold av arbeidsgiverens egne elektriske lavspenningsanlegg eller små, enkle høyspenningsanlegg
Industry: Electrical professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you want to work temporary in Norway, view please visit the website of DSB for more information about temporary approval..
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB)
Phone number: +47 33 41 25 00
Norwegian title: Faglig ansvarlig for arbeid knyttet til arbeidsgivers egne elektriske lav- og høyspenningsanlegg
Industry: Electrical professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you want to work temporary in Norway, view please visit the website of DSB for more information about temporary approval..
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB)
Phone number: +47 33 41 25 00
Norwegian title: Person som utfører offentlig tilsyn med elektriske anlegg og elektrisk utstyr
Industry: Electrical professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you want to work temporary in Norway, view please visit the website of DSB for more information about temporary approval..
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB)
Phone number: +47 33 41 25 00
Norwegian title: Apotektekniker
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Provisorfarmasøyt
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Reseptarfarmasøyt
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Fysioterapeut
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Fotterapeut
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Portal – og svingkranfører (sertifikatkategori G3)
Industry: Building and construction
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet)
Phone number: +47 73 19 97 00
Norwegian title: Linjemontør (Gr. B)
Industry: Electrical professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you want to work temporary in Norway, view the website of DSB for more information about temporary approval..
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB)
Phone number: +47 33 41 25 00
Norwegian title: Energimontør
Industry: Electrical professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you want to work temporary in Norway, view
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB)
Phone number: +47 33 41 25 00
Norwegian title: Energioperatør
Industry: Electrical professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you want to work temporary in Norway, view please visit the website of DSB for more information about temporary approval..
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB)
Phone number: +47 33 41 25 00
Norwegian title: Ortopediingeniør
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Psykolog
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Kvalifisert person for ekomnettautorisasjon
Industry: Electrical professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Communications Authority (Nasjonal kommunikasjonsmyndighet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Communications Authority (Nasjonal kommunikasjonsmyndighet)
Phone number: +47 22 82 46 00
Norwegian title: Radiograf
Industry: Health professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 21 52 97 00
Norwegian title: Eiendomsmegler
Industry: Real estate, economy and finance
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway (Finanstilsynet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway (Finanstilsynet)
Phone number: +47 22 93 98 00
Norwegian title: Reparatør av elektromedisinsk utstyr
Industry: Electrical professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, please visit the website of DSB for more information.
If you want to work temporary in Norway, view please visit the website of DSB for more information about temporary approval..
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB)
Phone number: +47 33 41 25 00
Norwegian title: Ansvarlig leder ved godkjent fartsskriververksted
Industry: Road traffic
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens vegvesen).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens vegvesen)
Phone number: +47 22 07 30 00
Norwegian title: Vekter
Industry: Fire, safety and emergency planning
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is National Police Directorate (Politidirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
National Police Directorate (Politidirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 23 36 41 00
Norwegian title: Statsautorisert revisor
Industry: Real estate, economy and finance
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway (Finanstilsynet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway (Finanstilsynet)
Phone number: +47 22 93 98 00
Norwegian title: Statsautorisert translatør
Industry: Language and library services
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is NHH Norwegian School of Economics (NHH Norges handelshøyskole).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
NHH Norwegian School of Economics (NHH Norges handelshøyskole)
Phone number: +47 55 95 90 00
Norwegian title: Drosjesjåfør
Industry: Road traffic
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens vegvesen).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, please contact the Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens vegvesen) for more information about how to obtain approval/recognition.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens vegvesen)
Phone number: +47 22 07 30 00
Norwegian title: Taksidermist
Industry: Nature, environment and water
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Environment Agency (Miljødirektoratet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Environment Agency (Miljødirektoratet)
Phone number: +47 73 58 05 00
Norwegian title: Lærer i grunnopplæringen og/eller morsmålslærer
Industry: School and kindergarten
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (Direktoratet for høyere utdanning og kompetanse).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, you can apply for recognition via our website.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (Direktoratet for høyere utdanning og kompetanse)
Phone number: +47 21 02 18 60
Norwegian title: Teknisk sprengningskyndig
Industry: Explosives and pyrotechnics
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB)
Phone number: +47 33 41 25 00
Norwegian title: Teknisk leder ved godkjent kontrollorgan for periodisk kjøretøykontroll
Industry: Road traffic
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens vegvesen).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens vegvesen)
Phone number: +47 22 07 30 00
Norwegian title: Tårnkranfører (sertifikatkategori G2)
Industry: Building and construction
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet)
Phone number: +47 73 19 97 00
Norwegian title: Togelektriker
Industry: Electrical professions
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you want to work temporary in Norway, view please visit the website of DSB for more information about temporary approval..
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Directorate for Civil Protection (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – DSB)
Phone number: +47 33 41 25 00
Norwegian title: Lastebilkranfører (sertifikatkategori G8)
Industry: Building and construction
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet)
Phone number: +47 73 19 97 00
Norwegian title: Dyrepleier
Industry: Animal health
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Food Safety Authority (Mattilsynet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Food Safety Authority (Mattilsynet)
Phone number: +47 22 40 00 00
Norwegian title: Veterinær
Industry: Animal health
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Food Safety Authority (Mattilsynet).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Food Safety Authority (Mattilsynet)
Phone number: +47 22 40 00 00
Norwegian title: Teknisk leder ved godkjent kjøretøyverksted
Industry: Road traffic
You need recognition to exercise the profession in Norway. Your application will be assessed against the requirements in Yrkeskvalifikasjonsdirektivet.
The competent authority is Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens vegvesen).
If you have education or qualification from a country within EU/EEA, see Altinn for more information.
If you have education or qualification from a country outside EU/EEA, contact the competent authority:
Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens vegvesen)
Phone number: +47 22 07 30 00