We offer a range of services related to recognition and information on foreign education. We took over this responsibility from NOKUT on January 1, 2023
Not all professions in Norway requires a recognition of foreign qualification. Find out if your qualifications from abroad needs to be recognized.
If you have education from outside of Norway (foreign education).
Wondering how you can get your foreign education recognized? Join our digital chat-room sessions! Our advisers will give you answers to everything you need to know about recognition.
Below is an overview of professions regulated by the Professional Qualifications Directive (2005/36/EU). If you wish to work in one of these professions, you need authorisation/recognition of your professional qualifications.
There are a number of competent authorities in Norway that recognise foreign education.
The general basis for admission to universities and university colleges in Norway is called Higher Education Entrance Qualification. For applicants with foreign education, the requirements are specified in the GSU-list.
На цій сторінці ми зібрали інформацію про те, як ви можете отримати визнання освіти з України. Тип визнання, який вам потрібен, залежить від того, яку освіту ви маєте і як ви плануєте її використовувати.
We have created a guide that may answer your questions about recognition of foreign education in Norway or matters related to the recognition in Norway. If you can't find your answer here, you may send us a question.