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Automatic recognition – a quicker alternative

The Directorate for Higher Education and Skills offers automatic recognition of certain degrees from selected countries.

Recently edited : 27. August 2024

Automatic recognition is a standardised statement that shows how certain degrees from selected countries are normally assessed by us. The statement may be downloaded and used immediately, without having to apply for recognition. In many cases, this document will be sufficient for a job application, which means you do not have to apply for recognition.

Further down on this page you can view the list of countries currently included.

We offer this as a response to the stipulations of the Revised Reykjavik Declaration, the Bologna Process and the recommendation of  The European Council about automatic recognition.

What is the difference between an ordinary application for recognition and automatic recognition?

Our automatic recognition is an optional alternative to our ordinary recognition service.

The ordinary recognition procedure

 The general recognition of foreign higher education includes an assessment of your educational documents and their correspondence with your ID-documents. We also assess whether the university or study programme in question is accredited or officially recognized as higher education according to national laws in the country in which it was located. An application for general recognition results in a legally binding decision, and the decision can be appealed, cf. the Public Administration Act § 28.

Automatic recognition

You do not need to apply for recognition, nor submit documents for assessment. There is no case processing or assessment of your educational documents or identity documents. We have created a standardized information statement, which shows how certain degrees from selected countries are normally assessed by us. A statement on automatic recognition cannot be appealed.

Please note that if you want to study abroad, you should contact the State Educational Loan Fund (Lånekassen) to check whether the study program in question is eligible for financial support. There is no guarantee that all degrees included in the automatic recognition statements are eligible for support from the State Educational Loan Fund.

When applying for a job or education, you can attach the standardised statement on automatic recognition with your educational documents.

How to obtain automatic recognition

Download your automatic recognition statement here:

Automatic recognition of qualifications (PDF-file in Norwegian only)



North Amerika


Do you want to apply for ordinary recognition?

If you nonetheless would like to apply for general recognition of your foreign education, you must apply through our online applicant portal. Some case processing time must be expected.

Click here if you would like to apply for recognition of your foreign higher education.