ReferNet er et europeisk nettverk som samler inn og deler informasjon om fag- og yrkesopplæring i Europa. ReferNet består av EUs medlemsland, samt Norge og Island. HK-dir er Norges representant i nettverket.
I ReferNet utarbeider vi en rekke rapporter om norsk fag- og yrkesopplæring. Rapportene er på engelsk og gir god innsikt vårt yrkesutdanningssystem – til nytte for norske og ikke minst internasjonale målgrupper.
Dette er de viktigste produktene fra ReferNet:
VET in Europe Norway: Denne rapporten er en systembeskrivelse av norsk fag- og yrkesopplæring, og vi oppdaterer den regelmessig. Rapporten gir en grundig oversikt over hvordan fag- og yrkesopplæringen vår er organisert, og inkluderer også korte beskrivelser av fagskolene, mesterbrevutdanningen og høyere utdanning.
Policyrapport: Her beskriver vi vår nasjonale politikkutvikling på yrkesopplæringsfeltet, sett i lys av målsettingene i det europeiske samarbeidet. Rapporten oppdateres årlig. Alle deltakerlandene utvikler sine nasjonale policyrapporter. EU-byrået Cedefop oppsummerer funnene og resultatene brukes til å utvikle EUs politikk innen fag- og yrkesopplæring.
Spotlights: Dette er konsise og omfattende øyeblikksbilder av videregående fag- og yrkesopplæring i EU-landene, Island og Norge.
Tematiske artikler komplementerer den generelle informasjonen i systembeskrivelsen. Årlig skriver vi flere artikler om temaer som EU-formannskapet prioriterer. Hvilke temaer som er prioritert, varierer fra år til. I år (2025) er minikvalifikasjoner ett særlig prioritert tema.
Nasjonale nyhetssaker: Vi lager forløpende nyhetsartikler om aktuelle hendelser og utviklingstrekk i norsk fag- og yrkesopplæring og på det norske arbeidsmarkedet. Disse artiklene inngår i Cedefop sitt nyhetsbrev, og når dermed ut til lesere i hele Europa.
Utgivelser og publikasjoner
Alle publikasjonene ligger på et eksternt nettsted og er på engelsk:
- Publication: What is new in IVET? Key pointers from statistics
- Publication: Skills empower workers in the AI revolution
- Publication: Transparency and transferability of learning outcomes: a 20-year journey
- News: Cedefop Labour and Skills Shortage Index: addressing shortages to boost competitiveness
- Research paper: Transparency and transferability of learning outcomes: a 20-year journey
- Welcome to STAS: Europe’s new tool for short-term anticipation of skills trends and VET demand
- Research paper: Beyond subsidising training costs
- Briefing note - Moving towards common policy goals and aligned progress reporting
- Research paper: The influence of learning outcomes on pedagogical theory and tools
- Policy brief: Tracking the green transition in labour markets
- Survey - How to get ready for AI in the workplace – Cedefop survey
- Policy briefs - Unlocking VET: Cedefop Releases the 2023 National VET
- Publication - What drives workers’ participation in digital skills training? Evidence from Cedefop's second European skills and jobs survey
- Publication - Exploring the emergence of microcredentials in vocational education and training (VET)
- Publication: The influence of learning outcomes on pedagogical theory and tools
- Publication: Tracking the green transition in labour markets
- Publication: Human capital utilisation, quiet quitting and employee retention
- Terminology: Terminology of European education and training policy
- Publication: Skills for people, competitiveness, sustainability
- Publication: Untangling labour shortages in Europe: unmet skill demand or bad jobs?
- Publication: European inventory of validation of informal and non-formal learning 2023
- News - EU post-2020 education and training targets: progress to date
- Publication - European guidelines for the development and writing of short, learning-outcomes-based descriptions of qualifications
- Publication - Apprenticeships and the digital transition
- Publication - Untangling labour shortages in Europe: unmet skill demand or bad jobs?
- country reports - European inventory of validation of informal and non-formal learning 2023
- Publication - Skills for people, competitiveness, sustainability
- Cedefops single programming document 2024-26
- Terminology of European education and training policy - 430 terms third edition
- Publication - Learning outcomes going global
- Eurofound launches Europe-wide survey on living and working conditions - link to survey
- Data insights - Work-based vocational education and training in the EU - more than you might think
- News - Skills matching and activation drive convergence of European skills systems
- News - All there is to know about European apprenticeships close to hand
- News - Skills intelligence at your fingertips
- News - Digitalisation affects all sectors and occupations
- Online toool - National qualifications frameworks (NQF) online tool
- Briefing note - Microcredentials: striving to combine credibility and agility
- Publication - Next generation skills intelligence for more learning and better matching
- Synthesis report - Stemming the tide: tackling early leaving from vocational education and training in times of crises
- Publication - Microcredentials for labour market education and training: the added value for end users
- Event - Greening VET
- Publication - Towards European standards for monitoring and evaluation of lifelong guidance systems and services (Vol. II)
- Research paper - Entrepreneurship competence in vocational education and traning in Europe
- Publication - European inventory of NQFs 2022
- Publication - Going digital means skilling for digital
- Publication - Handling change with care
- Publication - The future of vocational education and training in Europe
- News - How much microcredentials are really worth
- Publication - Investing in career guidance
- News - Cedefop launches timeline of VET policies in Europe
- Briefing note – Big skills for small companies
- Publication - Entrepreneurship competence in vocational education and training
- News - Microcredentials quick to satisfy skills demand
- Publication - Inventory of lifelong guidance systems and practices
- News - VET practitioners' voice to be heard
- Publication - From linear thinking to green growth mindsets
- Publication - European guidelines for validating non-formal and informal learning
- Publication - The future of work is learning
- Programming document - Cedefop 2023-25
- Publication - The feasibility of using online job advertisements in analysing unmet EU demand
- Publication - The future of vocational education and training in Europe: volume 4
- Publication - Fostering skills use for sustained business performance
- News - Cedefop skills forecast: Green and digital transitions to have positive employment impact
- Publication - The future of vocational education and training in Europe
- News - Forecasting skills for a green future
- Call for tenders - Support to integrated monitoring of national implementation plans (NIPs)
- News - A skills revolution challenging conventional thinking
- Publication - Microcredentials for labour market education and training
- News - More employment, higher skills demand
- News - Jobs must match upgraded skills
- News - 'Vox populi' for the European qualifications framework
- News- Cedefop spreads the word with education and training glossary
- Event - Microcredentials – a labour market megatrend
- Event - Raising empowerment and inclusion among youth at regional and local level
- Event - Orienta4YEL Final Conference
- Event - Access to quality education and training: an intercultural approach
- News - Cedefop puts focus on adult learning
- News - 'Permaskilling' to tackle the permacrisis
- News - Cedefop travels Green!
- News - The European Year of Skills brings Cedefop centre-stage
- Event - The future of VET in Europe: trends and lessons for a global debate
- News - Cedefop – ELA join forces to deliver greater value to stakeholders
- Briefing note - Looking back to look ahead: what is the future for VET in Europe?
- News - Global Careers Month: solutions for global challenges in career guidance
- December - News - EU agencies working together to support the green transition
- December - Virtual event - Powering the European digital transition
- December - Survey - Added value of microcredentials: let your views be known!
- December - News - The way forward for VET in Europe
- December - Briefing note - Empowering teachers and trainers to manage change
- December - Setting Europe on course for a human digital transition
- November - Cedefop presents: European vocational education and training policy dashboard
- November - Focusing on career guidance to shape change
- Oktober - Gearing up for European Year of Skills 2023
- Oktober - Work-based learning and the green transition
- Oktober - Career guidance in focus
- Oktober - Apprenticeships to spearhead reskilling and upskilling of adults
- Oktober - Teachers and trainers in a changing world
- Oktober - looking back to move forward
- September - 'Skillset and match' September 2022 issue is out!
- September - Entrepreneurship competence in vocational education and training
- September - Cedefop's 'Future of VET' research paving the way
- September - Challenging digital myths
- August - Apprenticeships: a strong vision leads to robustness
- August - VET for "smart" cities and the green trasition
- July - The future of vocational education and training in Europe: volume 2
- July - Minimising early leaving from vocational education and training in Europe
- June - Briefing note - Are microcredentials becoming a big deal?
- June - Organisational determinants of training
- June - Comparing vocational education and training qualifications
June - The future of vocational education and training in Europe: volume 1 - May - Apprenticeships for greener economies and societies
- May - Skillset and match - May issue
- February - Towards European standards for monitoring and evaluation of lifelong guidance systems and services (Vol. I)
- February - Briefing note - High esteem but low participation
- February - Briefing note - Championing the skills revolution
- February - Cedefop 2022 European skills index out
- February - Entrepreneurship competence supports employability
- February - Validating the 2023 Skills Forecast - Webinar - date to be confirmed
- February - 2030 on the horizon: skills in the online platform economy - webinar 30.06.2022
- February - New Cedefop podcast: Skills for the green economy
- January - Relocation 2.0: tying adult refugee skills to labour market demand
- January - #CedefopPhotoAward 2021 winners announced!
- January - Microcredentials – a new opportunity for lifelong learning?
- January - ‘Skillset and match’ January 2022 is out!
- January - Cedefop's recommendations for apprentice mobility
- January - Skill mismatch may be on the rise – Cedefop Deputy Director
- January - Bridging lifelong guidance and validation of non-formal and informal learning through ICT operationalisation
- January - EU-ANSA mapping report: Socioeconomic aspects of sustainable development
- Oktober - VET, skills and jobs for a 'greener' Europe
- September - Review and renewal of qualifications
- September -Cedefop publication on apprenticeships valuable guide to policy-making
- September - Cedefop Photo Award 2021
- September - Skillset and match - Cedefop’s magazine promoting learning for work
- September - Skillsnet e-bulletin: May-August 2021
- September - opinion survey on adult learning and continuing vocational education and training in Europe
- September - Apprenticeship governance and in-company training: where labour market and education meet
- September - Adapting business practices to new realities in the middle of a crisis
- September - Briefing note - Analysing and comparing VET qualifications
- August - Covid-19 - impact on skills in enterprises: global survey findings
- August - Skill development in the platform economy
- August - Cedefop’s work on skills for the green transition presented at conference
- August - Cedefop Executive Director: VET at heart of skills revolution
- June - Cross-border long-term apprentice mobility
- May - Spotlight on VET
- May - The views of training providers on the Future of VET surveyed for new study
- May -Skillsnet e-bulletin: January - April 2021
- May - Programming document 2021-23
- May - Skillset and match - promoting learning for work
- May - Briefing note - Trends, trasitions and transformations
- April - Understanding technological change and skills needs: technology and skills foresight
- April - Understanding technological change and skills needs: big data and artificial intelligence methods
- April - Understanding technological change and skills needsskills surveys and skills forecasting
- April - Next-generation skills intelligence to drive recovery in Europe
- April - Digital skills post-covid19 - Shifting gears in the digital transition
- April - Skills intelligence to be focus of Cedefop conference
- April - Information series - Tapping into the potential of big data skills policy
- March - Headlines - Get your skills together for Europes green deal
- March - Headlines - The focal role of apprenticeships for the future of work
- March - Headlines - Vocational education and training for recovery
- March - Headlines - Microcredentials: are they here to stay?
- March - Briefing note - Apprenticeship: a pill for every ill?
- March - How many apprentices are there in the EU?
- March - EFQEA implementation: a Cedefop analysis and main findings
- March - Coronavirus impact on jobs in EU sectors and occupations: a skills forecast analysis
- March - Briefing note - The EU` s port of call for VET
- February - News - Digital skills: challenges and opprotunities during the pandemic
- February - Publication - The role of work-based learning in VET and tertiary education
- February - Headline - Career guidance: coronavirus challenges and the day after
- February - Headline - Sectors in transition - the automotive industry
- February - Headline - Skills development and continuing learning in the online gig economy
- February - News - VET is an enabler of recovery
- February - Briefing note - The EUs port of call for VET
- February - Flyer - Rising to the coronavirus challenge
- January - Headline - New Cedefop /OECD publication on the next step for apprenticeship
- January - Publication - Rising to the coronavirus challenge
- January - Magazine - Skillset and match 2021
- January - Flyer - Overview of national qualification framework developments in Europe 2020
For tidligere år, se ReferNet sin europeiske nettside: