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Higher education agreements

What should the institution's management and administration consider when entering into education agreements?

Recently edited : 28. November 2023
  • Has potential pressure to ethichal and security issues been assessed? If so, has this been taken into account in the agreement? Examples include protection of academic values such as teachers' and students' freedom of expression in a teaching situation, data protection and information security.
  • Have joint exchange agreements between several Norwegian institutions and a foreign partner been considered? This is particularly relevant for small disciplines and institutions.
  • Is the cooperation agreement supported by the employees' professional network? This is important for quality assurance, ownership and follow-up.
  • Has consideration been given to academic benefits, importance for quality in education and research?
  • Have challenges related to the basis for transferring personal data to third countries been considered?
  • Have the terms on which the parties may terminate the exchange agreement been quality-assured legally and administratively?
  • Has consideration been given to relevance and the opportunity to develop knowledge that society needs?
  • Have visibility and the impact on the institution's own reputation been considered?
  • Have special agreements been drawn up for practical training mobility that ensures academic follow-up and formal recognition?
  • Has the cooperation agreement been signed at the correct level?
  • Is a residence permit or visa required? What type of permit or visa is required? For mobility to Norway, see

What should the academic community consider before entering into education cooperation?

  • Define the purpose of the cooperation. What are the reasons for the choice of country/countries and partner(s) in terms of added value for cooperation within higher education?
  • Are the partners in question accredited and degree-granting higher education institutions?
  • Is the teaching cooperation compatible with the Norwegian framework for recognising credits taken abroad?
  • Can the plans be implemented without violating applicable legislation in any of the countries, e.g. related to data protection?
  • How is the academic year and the budget year organised, and how does the partner institution organise its system for receiving international students?
  • To what extent is academic freedom safeguarded in the curriculum and teaching?
  • To what extent can students, employees and others involved in the cooperation be subjected to political pressure?
  • What support is available through the cooperation to students and research fellows on exchange stays?
  • What are the possibilities of student involvement in research activities? Will such involvement require special security measures?

Tools and resources for partnerships

Knowledge about countries:

Accountability in international cooperation agreements in education: