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Norske erfaringer med deltagelse i Europeiske universiteter

4. Litteraturliste

Claeys-Kulik, A-L., Bennetot Pruvot, E., Estermann, T. and Jørgensen, T. (2022) The European Universities Initiative and system level reforms Current challenges and considerations for the future. European University Association EUI- impact on system level reforms

Craciun, D, Kaiser, F, Kottmann, A. and Van der Meulen, B. (2023) Research for CULT Committee –The European Universities Initiative, first lessons, main challenges and perspectives, European Parliament, Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies, Brussels The European Universities Initiative: first lessons, main challenges and perspectives (europa.eu)

ECIU: Why European Universities need a legal statute Why EUI needs a legal statute

EUA maps European Universities Initiative challenges University World News

European Commission 2020 The European Higher Education Area in2020. Bologna Process Implementation Report Bologna Process Implementation Report (europa.eu)

European Commission Communication on a European strategy for universities | European Education Area Communication on a European strategy for universities | European Education Area (europa.eu)

European Universities Initiative: Driving societal impact University World News

European Commission, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, Jongbloed, B., McGrath, C., Boer, H., et al.(2023) Final report of the study on the state and effectiveness of national funding systems of higher education to support the European universities initiative : executive summary, Publications Office of the European Union, https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2766/682794

Gunn, A. (2020). The European Universities Initiative: A Study of Alliance Formation in Higher Education. In: Curaj, A., Deca, L., Pricopie, R. (eds) European Higher Education Area: Challenges for a New Decade. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-56316-5_2

Leadership and Organisation for Teaching and Learning at European Universities. Final report from the LOTUS project. Brussels, European University Association. final lotus report_december 2022_fin.pdf (eua.eu)

Maassen, P., Stensaker, B. & Rosso, A. The European university alliances—an examination of organizational potentials and perils. High Educ (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10734-022-00951-4

Meld.St.5 (2022-2023) Langtidsplan for forskning og høyere utdanning 2023–2032. Meld. St. 5 (2022–2023) - regjeringen.no

Myklebust, J.P. (2022) European Universities Initiative is a ‘game-changer’ – Norway. University World News

Pagliarello, M.C. (2022) Higher education in the single market between (trans)national integration and supranationalisation: exploring the european universities initiative Journal of European Integration, Vol. 44, No.1, 149–164

van Sinderen-Law, J. (2022) European Universities Initiative: Driving societal impact. University World News