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General advice for institutional leadership and administration

Here you'll find a summary of advice aimed at institutional leadership and administration for the development of systems for responsible international cooperation.

Recently edited : 7. February 2025
  • Make a systematic valuation of what information, positions, infrastructure and other values such as life and health, reputation, norms and principles must be safeguarded at the institution.
  • Carry out a risk and vulnerability analysis to identify specific security challenges to the institution's values/assets, including pressure on academic freedom and research ethics.
  • Differentiate access to valuable information and infrastructure.
  • Create procedures for background checks in connection with appointments in areas of high security risk.
  • Create an overview of international cooperation agreements and research cooperation at the institution and identify cooperations with countries where academic freedom is under threat, countries of concern based on national risk and threat assessments (NIS (in Norwegian), PST (in Norwegian), and NSM (in Norwegian) and countries covered by the national sanctions regulations.
  • Create procedures that identify cooperation that may fall within the scope of the Export Control Regulations and offer support to the academic environments in their work on establishing international cooperation, recruiting staff and inviting visiting researchers.
  • Build competence and awareness of academic values, security risks and research ethics dilemmas throughout the knowledge institution.
  • Establish one or more contact points in the organisation with clearly assigned responsibility for research ethics challenges, for notification of pressure from external actors or for security breaches. Contact the relevant authorities for advice on difficult assessments.
  • Establish dedicated forums for sharing experiences and discussing complex issues.
  • When entering into partnership agreements with foreign institutions or organizations, including MoUs, include a basic framework that encompasses respect for fundamental values, academic freedom, reciprocity, and agreements on intellectual property rights (IPR), sharing of research results, and data management. Ensure that the agreements contain an exit strategy in case the terms of the agreement are violated.