Indo-Norwegian Cooperation Programme in Higher Education and Research - INCP2 - Call for applications 2024
• INCP2The Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-dir) and the University Grants Commission (UGC) India, announce up to NOK 32 000 000, - ≈ INR 262 080 000, - in joint grants (50/50 from each side) to project partnerships between Norwegian and Indian higher education institutions.
Funding recipients
The deadline for the INCP2 2024 call for applications was 13 August 2024, and 88 applications were submitted.
At the Joint Committee Meeting in Delhi on 6 November, the Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-dir) and the University Grants Commission India (UGC) allocated funding to the top 12 ranked INCP2 applications. You can find the list of supported projects below.
Who can apply?
- Accredited Norwegian higher education institutions or institutions with accredited higher education programmes
- Public funded Indian universities recognised under Sections 2 (f) and 12B of the UGC Act, 1956 which are fit to receive development grants, and Institutions of National Importance (INIs), including IITs, and IIMs.
An application must involve at least two higher education institutions, one based in Norway and one in India.

Expired calls (CET)
About the call
The aim of INCP2 is to establish partnerships for internationalisation and quality enhancement in higher education, through academic collaboration and mobility, in close connections to work life, industry and business in India and Norway.
The cooperation on INCP2 shall complement and expand existing Indian and Norwegian research cooperation.
Projects can be established within the following areas of cooperation:
- Democracy and a rules-based world order
- Education
- The Ocean
- Arctic/polar research
- Clean Energy
- Climate and environment
- Urban planning and development
- Health, including global and public health, biotechnology, and the medical sciences
- Information technology and security
Cross-disciplinary collaboration across all disciplines is highly encouraged.
What is the objective of the call?
- To strengthen institutional linkages between higher education and research institutions in India and Norway.
- To foster high quality academic and research programmes.
- To provide mutual mobility and training for students, academic and administrative staff.
- To increase mutual knowledge of each other's educational systems and to enable institutions on both sides to prepare for future cooperation.
How much funding can you apply for?
You can apply for up to NOK 2 800 000 ≈ INR 22 932 000 pr project.
Projects must have a duration of 4 years. Projects must have planned start-up no later than 1 November 2024 and be scheduled to end by 31 December 2027.
Funding to the Indian institutions will be provided by UGC, and by HK-dir to the Norwegian institutions.
How can you apply?
A joint application from the Norwegian and Indian partner institution must be submitted through the HK-dir’s application and reporting portal Espresso.
Projects may include activities such as:
- Joint research involving student participation in areas of shared interest.
- Joint publications.
- Short-term (1-4 weeks) and long-term (4-12 weeks) exchange visits and internships for both faculty and students.
- Co-supervision of PhD and master's students.
- Co-design of courses, which may include virtual and/or blended formats.
- Development of joint and dual degree programs in accordance with the laws and regulations of both countries.
- Intensive courses such as summer/winter schools.
- Organising of seminars, workshops, and conferences.
- The Development of training programs for academic and administrative staff to enhance capacity and leadership skills
Exchange of literature, course materials, publications, and collaborate on curriculum development.
How is the application processed?
Eligible applications will be assessed by two experts with expertise and knowledge from international collaboration in higher education and research, and the areas of cooperation covered by the call. One expert is nominated by UGC and is representing India, and one expert is nominated by HK-dir and is representing Norway.
What will be emphasised in the assessment?
What is the timeline of the selection process?
All applicants will be informed of the outcome of the application process. We estimate that grant decisions will be published by the end of October 2024.
What terms will apply to projects that receive a grant?
The Indian and Norwegian institutions receiving support from INCP2 share the responsibility for executing and overseeing activities and projects. Both the Indian and Norwegian project partners are required to submit annual progress reports and a final report to UGC and HK-dir, respectively.
For the Norwegian institutions Hk-dir’s standard terms for project funding will apply to the implementation of projects that receive grants.