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About the recognition

Persons with foreign teaching qualifications must be recognised as a teacher in Norway to obtain permanent work in a teaching position in Norwegian primary and secondary education and training.

Recently edited : 21. February 2025

Who needs recognition?

To obtain a permanent position as a teacher in Norwegian primary and secondary education and training, it is compulsory to be recognised as a qualified teacher.

Everyone with foreign education who wish to obtain a permanent position in Norwegian primary and secondary education and training, must have recognition from us. For first language instruction, it is sufficient to be recognised as a first language teacher (“morsmålslærer”).

Recognition as teacher from the Directorate of Education (“Utdanningsdirektoratet”) (2008-2019) or from NOKUT (2020-2022) are still valid recognitions.

If you have a bachelor or master degree from abroad, but have completed Practical Pedagogical Education (PPU - praktisk-pedagogisk utdanning) in Norway, you have a Norwegian teacher qualification and do not need recognition.

The requirement for recognition only applies for primary and lower and secondary education. You do not need to apply for recognition in or to teach within tertiary vocational education and training (fagskole), colleges and universities or in cultural schools (kulturskole). Employers can still choose to require recognition as a teacher in job advertisements, even though it is not a legal requirement.

Can I work in school without recognition?

Without recognition you can work as a substitute or in other temporary positions as a teacher. You can also get a job as a teacher on the condition that you complete a relevant and qualifying education that you are already pursuing.

Only teaching positions require recognition. If you wish to apply for other positions in Norwegian schools, you do not need recognition as a teacher. It is the employers responsibility to assess whether you are qualified for professions that are not regulated by law.

What you need to obtain recognition

To be recognised as a teacher you need to have a professional qualification as a teacher from another country, and/or a foreign education that can be compared to a Norwegian teacher education

If you are a qualified teacher in another country, but do not fulfill all our requirements for recognition, we will assess whether work experience or life long learning can contribute to fulfill the requirements. It is advisable to apply to see whether you can receive partial recognition as a first language teacher. You will also be informed about what you need to be recognised.

We require that your teacher qualification is aimed at teaching in primary, lower or upper secondary school and that the education includes:

  • A total of four years of higher education.
  • Exception: A total of three years if you are subject teacher within practical or aesthetic subjects or if you are a vocational teacher.
  • Pedagogical competence aimed at children and young people in school age (6-18 years).
  • Supervised teaching practice in a primary or lower or secondary school during your education.
  • The equivalence of 60 ECTS of higher education within pedagogical subjects, didactics and supervised teaching practice.
  • The equivalence of 30 ECTS of higher education in an academic subject.

Requirements for Norwegian language skills to work in schools

There is a requirement for proficiency in the Norwegian language and knowledge of Norwegian society and school conditions to work as a teacher or first language teacher in Norwegian schools.

The requirement may vary in different municipalities, and the requirements may differ for different positions.

There is no requirement for Norwegian language skills to obtain recognition as a teacher or first language teacher, and it is the employer's responsibility to assess whether your knowledge, skills, and understanding of the Norwegian language, Norwegian society, and school conditions are sufficient for the specific position.

What do we need from you?

We need to know what kind of education you have completed and what qualifications this has given you abroad.

Through the case processing, we will determine what you are qualified for in your country of education. We will find out if:

  • you have completed an education that qualifies for work equivalent to a teacher in primary or secondary school in your country of education.
  • the documents are genuine.
  • all documents are issued to you.
  • the education and qualification meet the recognition requirements.

To do this, we need copies of documents in the original language and translations that confirm:

  • who you are: your identity.
  • the education and qualifications you have obtained: your diplomas.
  • the content of your education: transcripts or diploma supplements.
  • completed practical training in primary or secondary school during your education: confirmation of supervised teaching practice from the educational institution or educational authorities if it is not stated in the education documents.
  • your professional qualification: confirmation that you are a qualified teacher in another country.
  • work experience as a teacher in Norway or abroad: work certificates from the principal or the school that describe your tasks and responsibilities, the duration of your employment (period), and the extent of your employment (percentage of your position).

Documentation requirements

It is important that you upload all necessary documents when you apply. This will allow us to start processing your case earlier, and you will receive the result faster. We require the documents in their original language and translated. Upload all pages of your documents in PDF format.