Required documents for vocational education and training
If you upload all the required documents when you apply, we can start processing your application earlier and you will receive our decision faster.
Recently edited : 23. August 2024We need the documents in the original language as well as translations. Please make sure you upload all pages of your documents.
In some cases, we may ask for additional information, for example original documents, identity documents and original translations. Any attempt to obtain recognition with fraudulent documents will be reported to the police.
We are unable to process your application if you do not send in the required documentation.
Documents issued in a language other than English or a Nordic language, must be translated into Norwegian or English. If the submitted translations do not meet our requirements, we reserve the right to request new ones.
We accept the following:
- Translations done by a government authorised translator. You can find authorised translators in Norway through Translatørportalen, the website for the Association of Government Authorized Translators in Norway (STF).
- Translations done by a translation agency in Norway or abroad.
- Documents issued in English by the institution you studied at, or the authority that issued your craft or journeyman’s certificate.
- Documents issued in Icelandic or Finnish. However, we recommend that the documents are translated into Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, or English. This is to ensure faster processing of your application. In some cases, your case officer will require a translation of Icelandic or Finnish documents.
We have the following requirements for translations:
- It must be clear from the documents who translated them.
- The translation must either have a stamp and/or signature (manual signature) or contain an electronic signature.
- By manual signature, we mean that all pages of the translation must contain a stamp and/or signature that is applied manually after the translation is completed.
- By electronic signature, we mean that the identification of the translator must meet the requirements of the Act on electronic trust services (lov om elektroniske tillitstjenester –
- Translations where it is obvious that the original document has been manipulated (for example, where a stamp and/or signature is pasted or affixed into the translation using a graphics program) are not accepted.
- We do not require translations to be apostilled.
- We do not accept translations done by yourself or other private individuals.
If the name on your educational documents does not match your current name, you need to provide us with a proof of name change.
Valid proof of name change can be:
- Marriage certificate (Norwegian or foreign) stating both your old and your new name.
- Divorce certificate (Norwegian or foreign) stating both your old and your new name.
- Proof of name change from the public authorities in the country where you changed your name.
- Proof of name change from the National Population Register.
You must provide us with translation if the original document is issued in a language other than Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, Icelandic, Finnish, or English.
If you do not have an electronic ID (, you can apply as a self-registered user. Self-registered users must attach a copy of their valid identity document:
- Submit the page that shows your name, date of birth and photo. If this information spans several pages, you need to submit all pages that contain your name, date of birth and photo.
Valid identity documents:
- Valid international passport (including emergency passport)
- Family passport
- National identity card ( issued by an EEA or EFTA country
- Norwegian refugee travel document
- Norwegian immigrant’s passport
The documents you upload must be of good quality. If the quality is poor, HK-dir reserves the right to request new documents.
- The required file format is PDF.
- Do not upload compressed files (such as ZIP or RAR files).
- If a document has more than one page, please scan them together and upload them in one file. A document can for instance be a diploma, transcript of grades, Diploma Supplement, ID, proof of name change, translations or an employment contract.
- Name the documents with a short and relevant title, like for instance transcript of grades, translation diploma, training in school, practical training, proof of name change.
- Make sure all pages of the document are uploaded (including any information on the reverse side of the document)
- If your document is in colour, please scan it in colour.
- Make sure that pictures, stamps, signatures and the like are clear and legible
Please be aware that once you have submitted your application, you cannot delete any documents.
Country specific documentation requirements
See the specific requirements for the countries that are elegable for recognition.
- Diploma/certificate confirming completed vocational education and training: Svendebrev
- Diploma/certificate confirming completed vocational education and training: Skolevitnemål or Uddannelsesbevis
Diploma/certificate confirming completed vocational education and training (since 2005):
- Lõputunnistus kutsekeskhariduse omandamise kohta and Hinneteleht or
- Lõputunnistus keskhariduse baasil kutseõppe läbimise kohta and Hinneteleht, and High School Diploma with transcript of grades or
- Craft or journeyman’s certificate: Kutsetunnistus. If you received Kutsetunnistus and attended school, you need to send in documentation of both
Diploma/certificate confirming completed vocational education and training (1995/96-2005):
- Lõputunnistus põhihariduse baasil kutsekeskhariduse omandamise kohta and Hinneteleht or
- Lõputunnistus keskerihariduse omandamise kohta and Hinneteleht or
- Lõputunnistus kutse- ja keskhariduse omandamise kohta and Hinneteleht
- Craft or journeyman’s certificate: Kutsetunnistus. If you received Kutsetunnistus and attended school, you need to send in documentation of both
Diploma/certificate confirming completed vocational education and training (before 1995/96):
- Diplom keskerihariduse omandamise kohta (Диплом) and Hinneteleht, or
- Diplom keskerihariduse omandamise kohta and Hinneteleht and High School Diploma with transcript of grades or
- Diplom kutse- ja üldise keskhariduse omandamise kohta (Диплом) and Выписка or
- Diplom kutsehariduse omandamise kohta (Диплом) and Выписка and High School Diploma with transcript of grades
Duale Ausbildung
- Diploma/certificate confirming completed vocational education and training: Prüfungszeugnis.
- Diploma/certificate from vocational training school, with transcript of grades: Berufsschulzeugnis.
- Craft or journeyman’s certificate (if issued): Fachbrief/Gesellenbrief (Urkunde).
- Diploma/certificate confirming completed vocational education and training: Abschlusszeugnis/Prüfungszeugnis.
- Diploma/certificate confirming completed vocational education and training: Sveinsbréf
- Diploma/certificate confirming completed vocational education and training: Lokapróf og/eller, Stúdentspróf og/eller, Burtfararprófsleyfi
Diploma/certificate confirming completed vocational education and training (since 1999):
- Atestāts par arodizglītību (Arodskola) and sekmju izraksts or
- Diploms par profesionālo vidējo izglītību (Profesionala vidusskola, Tehnikums, Kompetences centrs) and sekmju izraksts
Diploma/certificate confirming completed vocational education and training (1992–1999):
- Diploms AVS and sekmju izraksts or
- Diploms AVSI and sekmju izraksts or
- Diploms T and sekmju izraksts
Diploma/certificate confirming completed vocational education and training (up to 1992):
- Atestāts (Profesionāli tehniskā mācību iestāde) or
- Izcilnieka atestāts (Profesionāli tehniskā mācību iestāde) or
- Diploms par kvalifikācijas piešķiršanu un vidējās izglītības iegūšanu (Profesionāli tehniskā vidusskola) or
- Izcilnieka diploms (Profesionāli tehniskā vidusskola)
Craft certificate issued by Chamber of Crafts:
- Zeļļa diploms. In case you have Zeļļa diploms and attended school, you need to send in documentation of both.
Qualification certificate
Profesionālās kvalifikācijas apliecība. The document is issued for those who have completed their education and training outside the regular school system (adult education).
Diploma/certificate confirming completed vocational education and training, six alternatives:
- Profesinio mokymo diplomas and Brandos atestatas or
- Atestatas and Brandos atestatas or
- Kvalifikacijos pažymėjimas (after 2012) and Brandos atestatas or
- Pažymėjimas and Brandos atestatas or
- Profesinio mokymo pažymėjimas, Kompetencijų įvertinimo pažymėjimas, Kvalifikacijos pažymėjimas and Brandos atestatas or
- Diplomas and certificate for completed upper secondary school
These documentation requirements apply to vocational education and training completed at Profesinės mokyklos, Profesinio rengimo centrai, and Kitos profesinio mokymo įstaigos.
We do not require Brandos atestatas for training completed after 2000.
Zasadnicza Szkoła Zawodowa
- School diploma/certificate with transcript of grades: Świadectwo Ukończenia Szkoły Zasadniczej or Świadectwo Ukończenia Zasadniczej Szkoły Zawodowej.
- Diploma/certificate confirming completed vocational education and training (since 1999/2000): Dyplom Uzyskania Tytułu Zawodowego or Dyplom Potwierdzający Kwalifikacje Zawodowe.
- Craft or journeyman’s certificate: Świadectwo Czeladnicze. If you do have Świadectwo Czeladnicze and went to vocational school, you need to submit documents confirming both.
- School Diploma/certificate with transcript of grades: Świadectwo Ukończenia Technikum (Technikum Zawodowego) eller Świadectwo Dojrzałości Technikum.
- Diploma/certificate confirming completed vocational education and training (since 1999/2000): Dyplom Uzyskania Tytułu Zawodowego or Dyplom Potwierdzający Kwalifikacje Zawodowe w zawodzie nauczanym na poziomie technika.
If you have completed Technikum within 3 years and this was following your completed vocational education and training at Zasadnicza Szkoła Zawodowa, you should submit documents for both qualifications.
We do not assess master craftsperson certificates (Dyplom mistrzowski).