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About the recognition

Your qualification’s vocational content determines which Norwegian vocational qualification your qualification can be compared to.

Recently edited : 28. November 2024

You can apply for this recognition if you have completed vocational education and training from Denmark, Estonia, Iceland,  GermanyLatviaLithuania or Poland. Today we can assess the vocational content in comparison to the following Norwegian qualifications:

The recognition procedure will gradually include more countries and qualifications. Please see our website for information.

Do you have a Master craftsperson certificate? This can be obtained through tertiary vocational education, and the title Master craftsman (mesterbrev) is a protected title in Norway. Only Mesterbrevsnemda can recognise a foreign master craftsperson certificate.

What is Norwegian vocational education and training?

Vocational education and training are vocational education at upper secondary school level that leads to a vocational qualification.

There are two main forms of vocational competence:

  1. The main model entails two years of education in an upper secondary school followed by two years of apprenticeship training and productive work in a training enterprise or public institution. The final exam is a trade or journeyman's test leading to a qualification.
  2. Three years of education and training in a school setting supplemented with practical periods in a training enterprise. The education programme concludes with a trade- or journeyman’s test. Read more about Norwegian vocational education and training at

Why apply for recognition?

  • Include the recognition statement in job applications.
  • Use your recognition documents for salary negotiations.
  • Add your recognition documents to your application for central approval in the Building Application Regulations (
  • Apply for recognition of your master craftsperson certificate which requires prior recognition of your craft or journeyman’s certificate.
  • You will be able to count as a skilled worker in public tenders.

Applying for recognition is free of charge. You may need to pay for the translation of your documents.

About our assessment

You can apply for this recognition procedure if you have finished vocational education and training from one of the countries included in the scheme.

Recognition of foreign vocational education and training includes an assessment of vocational content. That means that we assess your vocational education and training and compares it in scope, level and vocational content with a Norwegian craft or journeyman’s certificate or diploma. The legal basis for the scheme can be found in the Education Act (Opplæringslova) § 23-3 (

Minimum requirements for recognition

  1. The qualification must be formal and issued by a responsible authority.
  2. The qualification must be completed and be of minimum three years’ duration, with at least one year of documented practical training.
  3. The qualification shall largely be based on knowledge, skills and competence identified as equivalent to vocational content in the corresponding Norwegian craft or journeyman’s certificate or diploma

The professional profile of the qualification will be the decisive element in the recognition of comparable vocational education and training.

What we take into consideration in the assessment

  • The qualification’s formal status in the country its was acquired in.
  • The documents’ authenticity.
  • The vocational education and training in scope and level.
  • The qualification’s vocational content in comparison to the vocational content of a Norwegian craft or journeyman’s certificate or diploma.

We only assess work experience that was part of your official vocational education and training. We do not assess any work experience that you gained after you received your qualification.

A group of experts from the relevant professional area assesses the content of your qualification based on information from curricula, regulations, and learning outcomes provided by national authorities.

If we do not have access to information about the content of your qualification, we will contact national authorities abroad, which may take time.

What does recognition mean?

If your vocational education and training is recognised, you will not receive a Norwegian craft orjourneyman’s certificate. You will receive a decision letter that confirms that your qualification is comparable with a Norwegian craft or journeyman’s certificate or diploma, e.g. a “svennebrev i tømrerfaget” or a “fagbrev i servitørfaget”

What if we cannot recognize your qualification?

There are various options to obtain Norwegian vocational competence in your trade. Both Voksenopplæringen (Adult Education) and Fagopplæringen (Office of vocational education and training) in your county can guide you on the available opportunities. More information on this, and Norwegian vocational education and training in general, can be found on, and on the website of The Directorate of Education.

For more specific guidance, you can also contact your local career center.