EQUAL - European Qualification – Refugees and Recognition
The aim of the project is to support ENIC-NARICs in selected European countries in establishing fair and transparent recognition of refugees’ qualifications through training and supervision.
Recently edited : 28. November 2023About the project
The EQUAL project – European Qualification – Refugees and Recognition, builds on the experiences from the previous projects – Toolkit, REACT and ARENA, with the continued aim of ensuring implementation of Article VII of the Lisbon Recognition Convention by signatory countries. The project will support NARICs in establishing sustainable recognition procedures that are aligned with national laws and practices for admission.
Through locally based needs assessment, structured training and mentoring the project will help build capacity in the bodies responsible for recognition in the new countries recruited to the project – Poland, Lithuania and Romania.
The aimed deliverables of the project are:
- National assessment protocols on admitting refugees’ or persons in a refugee like situation to Higher Education
- National recommendations on legislation
The final products of the project are white papers, consisting of both, an assessment protocol adapted to local needs, as well as recommendations on local regulations and legislation.
Main project activities
- Partnership meeting
- Kick-off with project consortium
- Project board meetings
- Blueprint of white paper
- Assessment protocol for white paper
- Training programme and workshop for Poland, Lithuania and Romania
- E-learning module
- Final dissemination conference for ENIC-NARICs, HEIs and policy stakeholders