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Seminar for supervisors of PhD candidates in Artistic Research

Are you supervising research fellows or doctoral candidates in artistic research? Welcome to a digital seminar for supervisors on 15 April.

Time and date: 15 April 2024 14:00h- 15 April 2024 16:00h
Location: • Virtual


The theme of this seminar is the supervisor's responsibility for research ethics in the PhD candidate's project.

Who can attend?

  • Supervisors of research fellows participating in the Norwegian Artistic Research School
  • Institutional representatives

Practical information

Language: English.

Time: 15 April, 2024 at 2-4 PM (CET).

You will receive the link to Zoom after signing up.

The seminar will not be recorded.

Registration deadline

Expired calls
(norwegian time)

Norwegian Artistic Research School