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Norwegian Artistic Research School: Seminar 1

Welcome to an introduction seminar for new fellows in the Norwegian Artistic Research School.

Time and date: 16 April 2024 10:00h- 16 April 2024 14:00h
Location: • Virtual

About the event

Who can attend?

Research fellows participating in the Norwegian Artistic Research School. The seminar must be completed to qualify for participation in the other seminars in the research school.

Supervisors are also welcome to attend.


  • Artistic research
  • The Norwegian Artistic Research School
  • Research Catalogue

Work and teaching methods

The seminar has two parts:

  • A web page for self-study that introduces artistic research and the research school
  • A 4-hour digital seminar

Practical information

To sign up for this seminar, please send an e-mail to

Next opportunity to attend this seminar is 5 November 2024.

Registration deadline

Expired calls
(norwegian time)

Norwegian Artistic Research School