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Call for applications for Norwegian studies at universities outside of Norway 2025

With this Call for applications the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-dir) support projects that aim to strengthen Norwegian language, literature and culture studies at universities outside of Norway.

Who can apply?

Universities outside of Norway that offer courses in Norwegian may apply.

Each institution may only submit one application, but the application can include multiple activities.

Application deadline

30 April 2025 12:00h

About the call

The Scheme for Norwegian Studies Abroad shall:

  • Contribute to the dissemination of, and education in Norwegian language, literature and culture at universities abroad.
  • Contribute to internationalisation of Norwegian language, literature, and culture by attracting students for study- and research opportunities in Norway.

Our overall aim for this call for applications is to finance projects that aim to strengthen Norwegian education offerings at universities outside of Norway.

How much funding can you apply for?

Each university may apply for up to NOK 100 000. Please see the Budget guidelines for supplementary information regarding budgeting, including the maximum grant rate for each activity.

Terms and conditions

The grant may be used for the following activities/costs:

  • Procurement of Norwegian literature and learning materials
  • Events at the applicant institution, including honorarium for guest lecturers
  • Excursions and events outside of the applicant insitution
  • Scientific visits in Norway
  • Development of Norwegian language studies

Any administrative fee accrued by the institution applying for funding can be included in the budget. The administrative fee is entered into a separate column in the budget in the application form and does not require a detailed budget. The administrative fee may not exceed 10 percent of the total amount applied for.

The following costs are not eligible:

  • technical aids, office supplies or other learning-related consumables
  • subsistence allowance/meals for guest lecturers and external contributors
  • compensation to the project coordinator
  • honorarium and travel costs assosiated with visits from authors, applications for such visits must be submitted to NORLA
  • cost accumulated before June 2025

Learn more about what cost you may include, cost calculations, and restrictions in the Budget Guidelines.

Project activities/expenditures may take place between June 2025 and October 2026.

How can you apply?

Applications must be submitted through HK-dir’s application portal Espresso. You may log in to Espresso using your username (e-mail) and your password. If you have not used Espresso before, you must register as a new user.

We invite you to an applicant webinar on 27 March where we will provide information about the call and application process and answer questions.


See the announcement for the minimum requirements that apply to the call.

Guidance and templates

How is the application processed?

HK-dir will process the applications in the following manner:

  • Administrative eligibility check.
  • Assessment of applications for Activity A.
  • Assessment of applications for Activity B-F.
  • Ranking of applications based on an overall assessment, including consideration of previously awarded funding to the institution.
  • Final decision.

For more information on the assessment, see the call for applications.

What is the timeline of the selection process?

All applicants will be informed of the outcome of the application process within four weeks of the application deadline.

Contact us

Scheme for Norwegian Studies Abroad