Seminar for supervisors of PhD candidates in Artistic Research
Are you supervising research fellows or doctoral candidates in artistic research? Welcome to a seminar for supervisors in Trondheim on 23 October.
Time and date: 23 October 2024 13:00h- 23 October 2024 17:00h
Location: Cinemateket Trondheim • In-person
About the event
The theme of this seminar is the role of the supervisor and the supervision´s various phases.
The seminar will be organized around a conversation between an experienced supervisor and a PhD student. The participant´s will be invite to share experiences and discuss in smaller groups and plenary. The seminar will also include a presentation of the Norwegian Artistic Research School and whats new in 2024-2025, with empazise on how the research school can be a rescource and a support for both the PhD student and the supervisor.
Who can attend?
- Supervisors of research fellows participating in the Norwegian Artistic Research School
- Institutional representatives
Practical information
Language: English.
Participation is free of charge.

Registration deadline