SAAR - Summer Academy for Artistic Research
The Summer Academy for Artistic Research (SAAR) brings together artistic researchers and supervisors for an intense and stimulating week in August.
About the event
The activities take different forms of conversation, supervision, and shared practices. The summer academy is based on the participants' projects and activities are centered around their projects as well as questions/thoughts generated by this specific context.
About the Summer Academy
SAAR is a joint Nordic project between the partner countries Finland, Sweden and Norway. The SAAR network is coordinated by Uniarts Helsinki and governed by a joint Nordic Steering Group.
The Nordic summer academy provides a supportive setting where PhD candidates and research fellows in artistic research from all fields collaborate, present their on-going artistic research and receive feedback from peers and experienced tutors from leading academic art institutions. The aim is to reflect the international diversity and scope of artistic research and to provide a stimulating intellectual environment.
The Summer Academy 2024 will take place on 17-24 August in Helsinki, Finland.
Practical information
6 candidates from Norwegian institutions will get the opportunity to attend the summer academy. All candidates participating in the Norwegian Artistic Research School are invited to apply. Candidates who started their projects in 2023 or 2024, and candidates who applied in 2023 without being selected, will be prioritized.
Interested? Send an e-mail to by 1 March where you simply write that you would like to attend. No further application is needed. The decision on who will be selected is made by 15 March.
There is no fee for the participants. Travel and accommodation costs for the selected participants will be covered by the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills.
Please note that we expect all participants to be present during the whole week.